Press Release

Newsletter 4


Transfrontier Conservation Areas are a relatively new concept in the conservation arena. They are founded on the realization that natural resources that straddle international boundaries are a shared asset with the potential to meaningfully contribute to the conservation of biodiversity (the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats and ecosystems) and the welfare and development of local communities living there.

One such region is the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (commonly referred to as KAZA or the Kavango Zambezi), which, with its rich tapestry of landscapes, culture, wildlife and communities offers the international guest an infinite supply of travel options.

The Kavango Zambezi incorporates 5 countries (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe). The Kavango Zambezi has 36 formally proclaimed protected areas made up of game reserves, forest reserves, game/wildlife management areas, community conservancies and 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Victoria Falls, Okavango Delta and Tsodilo Hills). The abundance and variety of flora and fauna is outstanding, home to more than 50% of the remaining savanna elephants found in Africa; an estimated one quarter of the African wild dog and around 600 bird species. The area is also home to an estimated 2.5 – 3 million people comprising of different cultures and language groups.

Tourism contributes significantly to local employment. Through cultural heritage tourism and employment opportunities presented by the tourism value chain, KAZA Partner States aim to enhance the participation of local communities in the tourism economy not only through provision of tourism-related goods and services, but also celebration and nourishment of the region’s rich cultural diversity. This is achievable by facilitating the sharing of knowledge and traditions by local communities across borders and with the world at large.

The overarching aim of the Kavango Zambezi is to improve the socio-economic conditions of local communities by creating an integrated approach to tourism and conservation.
This award winning video gives you an insight into what the Kavango Zambezi can offer to your clients:

Uncover KAZA Zambia – Namibia – Zimbabwe – Botswana

The beauty of the Kavango Zambezi is the ease in which you can move from one country to the next

Uncover KAZA’s Hidden Gems – Khaudum National Park, Namibia

Exploring the Untamed Beauty: 5 Reasons to Visit Khaudum National Park Located in the north-east of Namibia, Khaudum National Park

Tsodilo Hills: A Sacred Legacy of the San People and their Spiritual Heart

Tsodilo Hills: A Sacred Legacy of the San People and their Spiritual Heart Hidden within the heart of the Kalahari

Dusty Road – Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls has its obvious attraction – The Falls – however dig deeper and discover the soul of the town