Desert, rock art and Victoria Falls


Prelude to Victoria Falls and highlights of Namibia

The spectacular Victoria Falls in Zambia mark the start of this all-round tour. From here you go to Namibia, which fascinates with its river and desert landscapes: You get to know the green Caprivi region, go on safari around the sand-colored Etosha Pan and visit the orange-red dunes of Sossusvlei.

Tracking with San in the Kalahari & Okavango Delta islands

From Windhoek, the three-week round trip continues its route through the Kalahari Desert to the north of Botswana: explore the green, uniquely beautiful Okavango Delta in a dugout canoe, gliding through crystal-clear water past reed-lined lagoons. Game walks in the Delta and game drives in Chobe National Park bring you face-to-face with Botswana’s amazing wildlife. And the salt pans of Makgadikgadi with their endless expanse seem like a landscape from another planet.

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About Diamir
It is fantastic, that Kavango Zambezi region is established and the whole region is a huge hub of different touristic highlights. We believe there will be more and more tourists coming straight to the region and using the gate at Victoria Falls /Simbabwe to stay up to two weeks! Those famous but diverse highlights from savannah and waters & rivers is outstanding. Hwange NP, Victoria Falls town and falls, Chobe River and Chobe NP, Caprivi region of Namibia and Livingstone town are jewels of Africa to be discovered… Kavango Zambezi is a hidden gems!