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Transfrontier Conservation Areas are a relatively new concept in the conservation arena. They are founded on the realization that natural resources that straddle international boundaries are a shared asset with the potential to meaningfully contribute to the conservation of biodiversity (the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats and ecosystems) and the welfare and development of local communities living there.

One such region is the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (commonly referred to as KAZA or the Kavango Zambezi), which, with its rich tapestry of landscapes, culture, wildlife and communities offers the international guest an infinite supply of travel options.

KAZA Achievement:

KAZA has recently launched their new social media channels. These are an excellent way for you to tag, post, and follow. By working together we will increase the global brand awareness of Kavango Zambezi.

Here are the links and tags below for you to maximise this opportunity:




Uncover KAZA

Zambia – Namibia - Zimbabwe - Botswana

The beauty of the Kavango Zambezi is the ease in which you can move from one country to the next enabling guests to experience the diverse landscapes rich in culture and wildlife.  This sample itinerary will take guests from Livingstone and the Zambezi riverfront in Zambia to the Chobe River in Namibia and then finishing in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.

Fly into Livingstone

Met by Green Safaris Conservation Foundation, who are involved in an ever-growing number of conservation, community, and environment initiatives in the Simoonga and Livingstone areas. Visit to the Tongabezi Trust School to see their wildlife clubs and human-wildlife conflict training initiatives in action and a visit to the Mukuni Community Farm which is run jointly by the Tongabezi team and Mukuni community to promote food sustainability by supporting residents to grow their own food gardens and experience and learn the sustainable farming training they do there.

Uncover KAZA’s Hidden Gems (Park) – Khaudum National Park, Namibia

Exploring the Untamed Beauty: 5 Reasons to Visit Khaudum National Park

Located in the north-east of Namibia, Khaudum National Park is a hidden gem that promises an unparalleled safari experience. Off the beaten path and characterized by its untamed remot and wild setting, Khaudum offers a unique opportunity for travellers to immerse themselves in nature’s grandeur. From diverse wildlife encounters to captivating landscapes, here are five compelling reasons why you should consider visiting Khaudum National Park.

Raw and Authentic Wildlife Encounters:

Khaudum National Park boasts an array of diverse and elusive wildlife species including elephant, roan, sable, tsessebe, wildebeest, eland and lion that thrive in its unspoiled environment. It is also one of the few locations where you can spot both springbok and impala, as well as oryx.  Unlike some other popular safari destinations, Khaudum offers a more authentic and unfiltered wildlife experience, mostly centred around  a network of waterholes and hides in which you can wait patiently for the wildlife to come to you. As you explore the park’s terrain, either by vehicle or from the hides, you may have the chance to witness majestic elephants, graceful giraffes, stealthy leopards, and a variety of antelope species in their natural habitat, away from the crowds and commercialization.

Angola is opening It’s door

Angola has recently passed a resolution to allow 98 countries visa-free entry.  This positive step will allow tourism growth for not only Angola but more specifically the Angolan component of the Kavango Zambezi.

The new resolution allows a 90-day visa-free stay in Angola to anyone arriving exclusively for tourism purposes.

The new directive takes effect immediately.

Tsodilo Hills: A Sacred Legacy of the San People and their Spiritual Heart

Tsodilo Hills: A Sacred Legacy of the San People and their Spiritual Heart

Hidden within the heart of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana lies a place of profound spiritual significance and natural beauty – Tsodilo Hills. This remote and majestic site is not only a geological wonder but also holds immense cultural and spiritual significance for the Hambukushu and the San people.

Tsodilo Hills is often described as the “Louvre of the Desert” due to its impressive collection of rock art. The San have inhabited the area for over 100,000 years, leaving behind a rich tapestry of paintings, engravings, and rock carvings. These images depict their spiritual beliefs, daily life, and the unique fauna of the region. For the San, these rock art galleries serve as a connection to their ancestors and a repository of their cultural history.

Dusty Road – Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Victoria Falls has its obvious attraction – The Falls – however dig deeper and discover the soul of the town as well. If visitors want a truly authentic township experience which is also a sustainable tourist project then come and enjoy the award-winning Dusty Road. Dusty Road is a traditional Zimbabwean restaurant situated in the bustling heart of Chinotimba, the largest and oldest township in Victoria Falls just 2 km from the centre of the town.

Ensure your guests make time for a lunch or dinner at Dusty Road.

If you would like to learn more about KAZA TFCA then you can view our training webinar here: